Covid Immunisations

Following national guidance, please do not come into the Practice if you have symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, cold, runny nose, fever or loss of taste/smell.  Please telephone instead and we will assist you.  If you have been to a high-risk area, or you have been in contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus, and you suspect you may be infected, please contact NHS 24 on 111.

Covid-19 Vaccine

Please do not block our phone lines to enquire on your vaccination status. 

Please go to NHS Inform or contact their helpline on 0808 196 8565.

GPs and their teams cannot issue vaccination exemption certificates.

Further information on the vaccination exemption certificates scheme, including information on safe vaccination and routes to obtain an exemption can be found on the Scottish Government and NHS Inform websites.

Alternatively you can call the free NHS Covid helpline above.

As of 1st February 2022 Nairn Healthcare Group no longer has covid vaccine stock. 

If you wish to arrange a covid vaccine appointment through NHS Highland, please go to the Vaccine portal – or contact the National Vaccine Helpline 0800 030 8013.

If you require more information, please go to

General advice regarding the Coronavirus outbreak please contact NHS inform on 0800 028 2814, or visit:

Covid-19 Advice

Covid-19 Social Support


Members of the public urged not to fall victim to Coronavirus scams

People in Scotland are asked to be alert to the potential for scam messages purporting to offer coronavirus vaccines, or asking for payment for vaccinations.

Chief Inspector Anton Stephenson, of Police Scotland’s Safer Communities Division, said: “We are aware of a scam circulating involving a text message suggesting people are eligible for the coronavirus vaccine. If you are concerned you have provided personal or financial information via a link in a message of this sort, contact Police Scotland via 101.

“We will pursue anyone who sets out to cause harm and misery to our communities, and our officers work closely with partners to make Scotland a hostile environment for scammers.

“Our Take Five campaign, which launched recently, raises awareness of fraud, and highlights ways people can protect themselves and remain vigilant to this kind of crime.

“Always be aware that an unsolicited telephone call, email or text message may not be from the person or organisation which it appears to be from. Never click on a link in a message you’re not expecting, and remember the NHS will never ask you for money relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Coronavirus has changed the way all our health services work. GP practices are now open, and have been through the pandemic, but services are being delivered differently.

If you need an appointment, contact your GP practice. It may be something you can safely manage yourself, so you may want to get advice from the NHS Inform website, or your local pharmacist, before getting in touch.

Most appointments are being carried out over the phone, or through NHS Near Me, but if you need a physical examination, you’ll need to see your GP in person. Practice staff will let you know the options available to you when you call.

If you have a face to face appointment, your GP practice will look a bit different, but please follow the guidance to help reduce the risk of infection.

These changes are in place to protect you, your family and staff. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
For more information visit 

YouTube Guide to GP Practice services during the coronavirus pandemic: 

1) How do I make an appointment at my GP practice? 

GP practices are open and here to help you. You can make an appointment by giving them a call or booking online. Find information on common symptoms and when to seek help here: or YouTube:

2) Who will I see?

When you contact your GP practice, giving practice staff some general information, in confidence, will help them direct you to the right clinical expert. Find out more about accessing GP services during the pandemic here:  or YouTube:

3) Do I need to come in?

To stop the spread of coronavirus, most GP appointments are now carried out by telephone or through NHS Near Me, a secure video consultation. Find out more here:  or YouTube:

4) How are GP practices keeping everyone safe?

If you have a face to face GP appointment, the GP practice will look a little different. Following this guidance if you need to visit the practice will help protect you, your family and practice staff. Find out more here: or YouTube:

5) Why are some consultations by phone?

GP surgeries have remained open throughout the pandemic, with consultations largely handled remotely to reduce the risk of infection. Find out why here: or YouTube:

6) Thank you for your patience and understanding

Demand for GP services is back to where it was before the pandemic, so your patience and understanding when contacting your GP practice is appreciated. Find out more about accessing GP services here: or YouTube:

Covid Vaccine Information