Flu Vaccine
Are you…
- Aged 65 or over
- Pregnant
- Diabetes
- Chest condition such as Asthma, COPD
- emphysema or Bronchitis
- Liver or Kidney disease
- Heart condition
- Neurological condition e.g. multiple sclerosis
- Spleen condition e.g. asplenia or spleen dysfunction
- A condition which lowers your immune system
- or receiving treatment which lowers your immune system (e.g. chemotherapy)
- Unpaid carer for elderly or disabled or someone in any of the at risk categories above
- Obesity (BMI of over 40)
You qualify for the Flu Jab!
The Pneumococcal vaccine is also available as a one-off injection for those who are 65 and over and never had before.
Please call the surgery on 01667 452096 to book an appointment with the Nurse or Healthcare Assistant and please state why you qualify for the flu vaccine e.g asthma.
Vaccinations will be available by appointment only at the GP practices
Please book your appointment in advance.